Page 133 - Then Came the Glory
P. 133
Light in the Evening Time
as the Apostle Paul did—struck down on the Damascus road. I am one of them who have obeyed truth, though I came the hard way.
I ministered in Waritta Locale, Wollayta section for the John the Baptist religion for fifty-two years. For the last five years, my son Hezkiel has wimessed to me continually, saying, "Please believe in the true God." Each time I
answered, "Am I not believing in a God?"
He brought many evangelists with him to talk to me,
but I hardened my heart. Often when they spoke to me
strongly, I rejected their words and threatened, "I should take you to the police, but for God's sake, I will pardon you.
Now, get out of my house."
One of my three hundred members lay dying and I
went with others to pray for him. When I stood after my
prayer, an unseen power jerked my Bible out of my hands
upwards. I jumped up and grabbed it saying, "How dare you t^e the book from me, a servant of Jesus Christ?"
The force lifted me to the ceiling and threw me on
the floor and it seemed my spirit dissolved within me. The
villagers carried me home and the next day, thinking I am about to die, I made my last will and testament. While I am
busy with this a voice spoke, W!^ do you distribute your
momy? You will not die. I turned to find the speaker and could see no one.
He spoke again. Do not give your property to
anyone, you will use it yourself. You will not die. The voice sounded the same, but I could not see Him.
After that my son came again and said, "Dad, if you
believe, you will be saved."
I replied angrily, "No, I do not believe. Do you
mean that the one I believe in is not a God?" He tried for 121