Page 198 - Then Came the Glory
P. 198

 Then Came the Glory
church, though they had never heard of it before.
The next day an angel struck the roof of the SIM
church like lightning; it split open and burst into flames.
People fell right and left crawling to escape the fire. The
angel went out the front gate and a bottomless hole appeared between the church building and the front gate. The fear of
God sent many people hurrying to the Apostolic church to seek salvation.
Nomad moslems live in a vast area appointed them
by the government. Their lifestyle and stiff distrust of
strangers have made it almost impossible to reach them with the gospel. An angel came to one of them and said, "Go to
Valea in Jemjem.
When the Lord spoke to Hiele Gamede to take
strange nomads the Word of God, he knew they could easily kill him. He fasted and prayed earnestly before attempting to
obey. He walked into a group of them with his Bible in his hand and began to read to them chapter after chapter.
The Nomads did not hinder him. the Lord made them think this man is one of us. But when he began to
speak, they started yelling and screaming and rolling on the
ground. Gamede spent several busy moments rebuking the devil who possessed everyone of them.
When the last person got deliverance, the Holy Ghost
fell, and, not knowing what was happening to them, eighty- six ex-Moslems received the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
This started an outstanding revival among the Moslems that continues to spread across the countryside.
The daughter of a well-known Moslem leader suffered horrible attacks fi"om Satan. Her father observed the
power manifested by the Apostolics and said, "I do not want

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