Page 32 - Then Came the Glory
P. 32
Then Came the Glory Ghost.
The group filed a paper with the Intelligence office
accusing Tekle as a CIA agent and security personnel followed him everywhere he went. The I.O. blocked the
registration of the Apostolic church and issued him a strict warning, "Your church will not be registered and you no longer have the right to preach the Gospel as a licensed preacher."
In spite of harassment and frustration in all the trials this brought them, Tekle and Erkenesh continued to love and
pray for those who opposed them. Help came from an unexpected source. When the EPRDF overthrew the military government, all the Intelligence files were either burned or destroyed.
A person who worked in Intelligence and knew Tekle called him, "Brother Tekle, your file is lost; please supply us with the necessary documents to compile a new file for you."
With great joy Tekle took photocopies of lost documents and prepared others that restored his good name and renewed the name of the Apostolic Church of Ethiopia.
After thirteen years, as Erkenesh fasted and prayed,
the Lord spoke: Bring back Amare. Tekle rejoiced over the
word, but others, not sure they wanted Amare back,
suggested Erkenesh should fast and pray again. The message came clearly the second time: Bring back Amare. After
consultation the General Board of the church sent Erkenesh to begin talks on reconciliation with Amare. He welcomed her with humility and tears of joy.
Amare tells his story:
In Arsi Province, Ticho District, Robetown where I was bom to a conservative Gurage family, we had only two