Page 6 - Then Came the Glory
P. 6

Come with me to an ancient land whose record
begins in the first chapter of Genesis. Their history unfolds with fierce warriors, capable of merciless cruelty and devout
people whose yearning to worship plunged them into bizarre superstition.
Their long-reigning Emperor Haile Selassie captured the imagination of the Western world, most of whom did not realize he ruthlessly kept his coimtry in the dark ages for his own self interest. A reporter who spent time there in 1937 told of nobles who displeased the Despot and he reduced them to the status of dogs, chained with collars who fawned at his feet for food. Yet the coimtry stopped their clocks and calendars when Selassie went into exile during the second world war.
With a population that spans a tremendous cultural
gap from nomads in the desert to well educated nobility in
gracious homes, this mysterious land has survived everything from rapacious warlords to the rape of communism. A
hunger for truth still grips its populace enhanced by an
amazing capacity for loyalty. And God, in'His infinite wisdom has chosen to show the world the true meaning of
the word revived against a background of unbelievable
suffering. Stripped of decency and barest necessities, the Ethiopians have found perfected agape love and the flow of exemplary unity that allows the King of Kings to move in ways unknown to most of us.
I do not expect you to understand or even believe all
you read in these pages, but every miracle and inexplicable happening is authenticated. Let me remind you Jesus Christ recognizes integrity of heart and simple child-like faith. In our world Mn^, and a desire for honor has replaced greater values and we suffer from dire poverty of spirit. May the
example of the greatest recorded outpouring of God's Spirit in the history of the earth bring us to the promised move of

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