Page 9 - Then Came the Glory
P. 9

I dedicate this book to the memory of an old Dutchman named Paulus who, directed by God.walked from Holland to Asfaw's house in Addis Ababa and declared: "God told me to come to Ethiopia and tel the people who He is and that He wants to live in their hearts in the power of the Holy Ghost, speaking with other tongues."
Handicapped by the language, he won no souls, though he made a lasting impression on all who saw him. He fasted forty days every year and foretold: "The name of Jesus will rise over Ethiopia, mightier than the sun."
After one fast he leaped out of his room and hung in the air one yard above the floor while he prophesied: "A
mighty revival will sweep across Ethiopia and great miracles will be done in the name of Jesus. The Holy Ghost will be
poured upon you, my friends."
Ayele Asfaw who heard that prophesy as a teenager,
today pastors Gofa church with five thousand members. Nona Freeman

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