Page 104 - Jesus the Ultimate Ology
P. 104

 FATI-JER, 50!\i &Hou GHOST: Q_,·E lf..Hrl.T & THRFE rr·Hos ...
Greek, Jesus is literally saying, "I am _-\lpha tlu:ough Omega ' and · ·
you're Hebrew, Aleph through Ta,·. In the English speaking ,\·otl Jesus is saying, "I am A through Z. In other \\·ords. ' I am th
entire alphabet."
We could call "E)ah asher eyah," an ungrarrunau profundity, butJesus, who is the "1 am", can be an:·tlung that h wants to be, because he said in St. John 5:43, I am come. He a_ again in St. John 6:48, "I am the bread of life." In Sc. John 10:9
Jesus says, I am the door." In St. John 10:11 Jesus sa:·s, "I am th good shepherd." In St. John 11:25 Jesus says, "I a1n th resurrection and the life."
Jesus says, "I am the way, the uuth and the life: no man cometh unto the father but by me." So there he ga\·e us the \Va·. truth and life. Without the way, you cannot go, without the uurh you cannot know (him) and without the life you cannot grow, (in him). Him that is the ultimate "who", Jesus and the entire Godhead dwells in him!
In the Bible, the word "person", hupostasis, is only used one time to refer to God. In the book of Hebrews, the first chapter verse number three, the Bible declares that Jesus Christ is the express image of God's person. That means that Jesus is the only

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