Page 88 - Jesus the Ultimate Ology
P. 88

That's wh) I want to take some rune now ro address cl1e a old controversy about the identity and deity o f Jesus, using a simple question; Is Fathe1; 5011 and Ho!J Ghost one IFhat a11rl 1h1"t't' lr"/wj· or ou Who and three Whats? Make sure you get the question right so you don't get the answer wrong. The question is ,-ery i.111portant! Here it is again, broken down just so you are clear: \'(!l1en the Bible speak of the father, son and Holy Ghost is it talking about:
One what and three ivhos Or
One who and three whats?
There are a few outstanding books and pamphlets that deal directly with the issue. They are The Godhead by Kenneth \ 7. Reeves The Supreme Godhead· Book II, by Kenneth V. Ree,-es and Is ]es11s in the Godhead or Is the Godhead in Jesus? by G o rdon I\fagee.
These apostolic writers deal with Godhead issues very well.
Not only have they broached the question "Is Jesus in the Godhead or Is the Godhead in Jesus", which is a very good question, but they have also helped to clarify some of the confusion and controversy surrounding the issue. Even though they don't p resent
the question the way I am presenting it today, a proper understanding of the Godhead is the best place to start. The word, "Godhead", is in the Bible three times. Acts 17:29, Romans 1:20

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