Page 20 - SellerGuide
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Next Steps
 After reading through our Sellers Guide, hopefully you have a better understanding of the process and what to expect. Our hope is that you’ve found this information valuable and will be better prepared when it’s’ time to sell your home. You might be wondering what your next steps should be. It depends mostly on
where you find yourself on your homeowner journey. Whether you’re just searching for additional information and not quite ready to sell your home or you’re looking to list tomorrow, here are the next steps we suggest you take. See our resources section for details.
You’re not ready to sell and just want more information
Your goal at this point is to learn more about the process and what to expect when the time comes. We suggest staying tuned into the market and being aware of what’s selling in your neighborhood. How long are homes sitting on the market, what does pricing look like, and so on. We also suggest liking our business page on Facebook as we’ll be posting lots more educational content that will keep you informed as you get closer and closer to making your decision.
Check out our digital market newsletters Follow us on social media
Explore our various blog topics on our website Contact us directly with any questions
You’re seriously considering selling
If you find yourself thinking about selling and you’re on the fence, or you think you might be considering it at some point in the near future, then we suggest a few things to stay on top of what’s happening in the market. In addition to the steps suggested above, you might also find it valuable to have a CMA done on your home, which stands for Comparable Market Analysis. Basically this is a free, no obligation service that we provide that will give you an analysis of your homes current value based on what’s happening in the neighborhood. We also invite you to check out our marketing plan document that goes into more detail on how we market our listings.
Check out our digital market newsletters Follow us on social media
Explore our various blog topics on our website Review our Marketing Plan document
Request a Comparable Market Analysis Contact us directly with any questions

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