Page 28 - Spring 2022 Catalog
P. 28
Understanding Medicare
In this workshop, learn more about your Medicare benefits, your options, and the best choices for you. Find out what Parts A, B, C, and D mean, what they cover, and their cost. If you plan to retire this year, this workshop is essential.
Instructor: Gwen Goodman
223CLEI120A| 1 session|
FREE Saturday |3/19/2022 | 9:30-11:30am Location: CSU Main Campus
Substance Use Disorders & Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)
This training is designed to educate Students, Social Workers, Substance Abuse Counselors, Human Service Providers, and other Clinicians about substance-use disorders, features and predisposition factors, based on the DSM-V criteria. Participants will also learn to identify, define and apply ASAM levels of care to the treatment process. In addition, participants will learn the role of medication assisted treatment in substance use programs. This will include the definition & purpose of MAT, evidenced- based medication recommendations for treatment of opioid
& alcohol disorders, along with the pros and cons of MAT programs.
Instructor: Dr. Davine Ricks
223OLMAT | 2 Sessions | $199
Monday| 01/10 – 01/24 | 6-8pm Location: Online
Integrating Visual Arts for STEM/STEAM program
This course is designed to build capacity for teachers to implement arts integration in their classrooms. Course provides research based instructional strategies and innovative ways to engage students in learning.
Participants will also gain the knowledge of how arts integration can support
Instructor: Dr. Wendy Perry
223OLARTK12 | 5 sessions | $249
Saturday | 01/15-02/12 | 9-11 am Location: Online
Intentional Professional Growth & Leadership
No matter where you are in the professional growth process, know this: the greater the number of techniquesyou learn and practice, the better leader you will become.Each technique is like a tool, ready to be picked up and used to help you achieve your dreams and add value to other people. The key components that will be discussed in this training include:
Tools to enhance your professional growth and development; Strategies to raise your level of leadershipand level of effectiveness; Techniques to discover your growth areas and develop them so that they become strengths.
Students will receive assistance and guidanceas they embrace challenges and welcome opportunities.
Instructor: Dr. Davine Ricks
223OLSTR103A | 4 sessions | $199|
Tues-Thu | 01/22-02/12 | 6-8pm Location: Online
Women’s Gun Safety and Self -Defense
This 16-hour course offers a holistic approach specifically designed for women who wish to have more control and
remain safer in today’s environment. Through a combination
of classroom, firing range, and practical unarmed exercises, women will explore common-sense tactics that allow them to be stronger daily. The classroom portion will include discussion on the five arenas of combat, situational awareness, public versus personal space, dynamics of movement, and suggestions for everyday habits that can increase safety. At the range, women will learn the terminology and function of their handgun and how to safely load, unload, reload, and present the pistol, culminating in carrying, drawing, and firing the gun confidently. The class will conclude with practical unarmed skills that help women understand the dynamics of size versus movement and learn some possible responses to everyday situations. Most of all, this class strives to change women’s mindset from being reactive to proactive mindset by watching and responding to the world around them.
Fees to range ARE NOT included in tuition. TBA
Basic Handgun and Safety Course
This course covers ten of the most important safety rulesone will need for basic gun safety. The laws pertaining towhere and when a person can carry and when a person can and cannot use a weapon will also be included.
Participants will review the basic steps of using firearms correctly and will participate in practical demonstrations inthe classroom. After the classroom portion of this course, the class will meet at local gun range. All range rules and live fire exercises will be covered. Thereafter the instructorwill teach proper sight alignment, trigger pull, stance, breathing, and grip.
Fees to the local range ARE NOT included in the cost ofthe course.
Instructor: Chief Long
223CCER9250 | 6 sessions | $129.00
Tuesday | 02/08 – 03/15 | 6-8pm Location: CSU Main Campus
26 | | 678 466-5118 | email: