Page 49 - DHCI Magazine
P. 49
Founded in 2016, at the height of the refugee crisis in Europe, Human Aid Now aims to support refugees. It is the ambition to take
a big leap forward. With the aim to create a bridge between these driven and passionate volunteers and their professional network of legal advisors and consultancies Human Aid Now searched for partners to set-up a digital centre of expertise.
Human Aid Now had already taken some significant steps in the articulation of their challenge as they were involved in the 2020 DCHI Best Humanitarian Challenge Award. This includes directions on how grassroot volunteer coordinators gather and transfer knowlegde and enter the next phase of their learning cycle and to make their projects more sustainable and effective.
Joint Impact Plan
Many different actors provided Human Aid Now with input throughout the accelerator. Catarina, was put on the accelerator to participate on behalf of Human Aid Now. “It was great. We went from concept to testing within five or six months. The accelerator and the support from the coaches was really crucial to keep us moving forward, to make us feel accountable, to give external perspective, and to give us a push every now and then.”
“We decided to look for different partners
for different stages of the process instead of one or a few committed partners from start to finish. We have quite a good pool of partners from different areas and different fields. ”The partners come in different shapes and forms, ranging from design studios to other grassroot organisations, from big international NGOs to universities”.
KPMG helped to design a roapmap to maturity
One close collaboration is the partnership with KPMG, a consultancy firm that they
met during the DCHI Coalition Café. The partnership between KPMG and Human Aid Now will help the latter to fulfil its vision of doing good and creating value. KPMG will assist Human Aid Now in the execution of their ‘Help a Hero’ project for which they want to integrate the key learnings from long-term volunteers into a digital centre for expertise with the purpose of ensuring higher efficiency and enabling continuity, thereby supporting
‘The accelerator and the support from the coaches was really crucial to keep us moving forward, to make us feel accountable, to give external perspective, and to give us a push every now and then’
Dutch Coalition for Humanitarian Innovation