Page 5 - Navigator 20
P. 5
Dear reader,
What a remarkable year this is been. Who could have ever imagined that a virus such as COVID-19 could have such a major impact on our society?! The coronavirus has presented the maritime sector with various challenges, resulting in major disruptions to logistics chains across the globe. Quite some issues and complications ensued from this. In all the ports in which the Dutch Maritime Pilots’ Organisation is active, we have addressed this in conjunction with government bodies, service providers and port authorities. The lines of communication were short, the degree of flexibility and pragmatism substantial. I would once again like to express my appreciation for that excellent cooperation here as well!
In this digital edition of Navigator, we of course focus on the impact of Corona. But we also look to the future of pilotage equipment, such as a new M-class tender and navigational tools. Also noteworthy are the changes to compulsory pilotage that will come into effect as of the 1st of January 2021 and the possibilities that digitisation affords for making optimum use of lock capacity and the planning of pilots. This is just a selection of topics featured in this Navigator.
But by all means, browse this edition of Navigator yourself and see what it has to offer. I hope that you will learn about the world of the Dutch Maritime Pilots’ Organi- sation with interest and pleasure and that this may strengthen your connection with us. A big thank-you to everyone who has contributed to the realisation of this edition. In conclusion, I would like to wish you and your loved ones a good and especially healthy 2021.
Joost Mulder
Chairman Dutch Pilots’ Corporation