Page 2 - BCAC Sisters in Motion Summer 2022
P. 2

Greetings from Chapter President PAGE 2
Programmatic Initiatives/Events PAGE 10
Sororal Year Award Recognitions PAGE 14
Upcoming Events
celebrates 66 years
"The best way to make dreams is to wake up."
-Mae C. Jemison
Greetings Sorors!
I am excited to officially close another Awesome
As we prepare to vote in our Primary Election Cycle in August, stay tuned for updates from our Social Action Committee. In the interest of our lives and of those whom we serve, we must do all that we can in these elections to be sure that we are seen and heard.
I encourage you to support a campaign, knock on doors, join a campaign for text or phone banking, work at a polling precinct or give a friend a ride to the polls. Whatever you can do, make sure that your voice and your vote makes a difference.
Let’s elevate our impact on Sisterhood, Scholarship, Service and Social Action. Let’s L.E.V.E.L. U.P. sorors!
In the Bond of Sisterhood,
Valerie R. Harley-Gardner, Chapter President
year in the Broward County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.!
I am thankful for the work that every hand put in to make a
virtual impact on communities that we serve.
In the 2022-2023 sororal year, I want to see us make an even greater impact in Broward County. To that end, as always, I encourage every member to join and support a committee, so that our Five-Point Programmatic Thrust events can make a greater impression in our area.
While we are off-cycle, our leadership team will be brushing up and revamping some of our programs and events, as well as bringing forward new ideas.
So we need you to become engaged by sharing your thoughts and ideas to take us to the next level.

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