Page 10 - The Standard Volume 2
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 The Scripture in Mark 12 says to love God with all of your heart, all of your understanding, all of your strength and soul, and to love your neighbor as yourself. This is far better than just putting your best “bull” on the altar to sacrifice!
The world tells us that a good life has to be what you want and if it’s not, say what you want and that you want it now! This is not the way of God, but the world has inundated us with a false perception of what the “good life” is. The problem is, too many people base their lives on this misconception and when they don’t see it happening for them, they downplay their lives and think, Well, if I’m not living like that, I must not have a good life.
I stated that at times, sacrifice can be hard because sometimes you have to give up the people you associate with. There have been people who left our church, who were good people, but when presented with the truth of God’s Word, they found it to be a challenge to disassociate themselves from some of the fellowships they were entangled in. If the Lord spoke to you and said, “You’re going to have to pull away from X, Y, and Z,” would your response be, “Yes, Lord,” or would it be “What? Those are my peeps and have been all my life!” When God has to repeatedly try to pry something out of your life and you’re still trying to hold onto it, realize that He knows how much better your life will be without it!
Psalm 34:1 KJV
“I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.”
If you don’t have a mind to enter into His gates with thanksgiving, His courts with praise and bless His name, you
will not enter His presence no matter how many songs the praise team sings. As soon as your feet hit the church’s parking lot, a praise should be in you. I have so much joy in knowing who He is and what He has done for me that praising Him is my reasonable service!
If you are going through something, it’s still not an excuse to not give Him your best praise. Even if you and your husband argued all the way to church. Even if you had to reach back and discipline your kids on the way to church. You have something to praise God for!
If you have the Holy Ghost on the inside of you, the old saints would say that depending on how long it takes for you to get in the spirit is how far away you are from where you ought to be in God. The Scriptures tell us we are to be filled to the overflow. So quit quenching the Spirit if you have Him, and if you don’t have Him, seek Him to get filled because there’s joy, peace, and deliverance when you have the Holy Ghost on the inside of you!
In the same way that we hold back in giving the Lord our best praise, we hold back in financially, giving of our time, our talent, and the things we know God has called us to do. When we think of His goodness and what He has done for us, we will not consider what it will cost us, but we will withhold nothing from Him because He gave us His ALL.
Give God your best, not just in all that you do, but give Him YOU for that is your best! S
 Begin Your Day with Prayer, Bible Study, & Prophetic Ministry
Tuesday-Friday, 6:00 AM
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 12 THE STANDARD | January 2020

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