Page 7 - The Road To Anderson
P. 7

I was at St Edwards Hospital in Fort Smith Arkansas. My brother and sister in law both now in heaven came in to see me in the ICU. Many others came including my prison ministry friends Chet and Tom. Tom leaned over and said he was sorry, but Bertie didn't make it. He could not have known that I knew it because I saw her in the spirit.
But then Tom told me Bertie had been taken to a funeral home in the nearest town to the accident scene and was being taken back to Shreveport. It was then that I found out that both of our little dogs were killed in the car wreck.
Later my niece Lori Lee came from a long way and gave me much comfort. From that time on I was obsessed on getting back to Shreveport to make Bertie's funeral. Chet then bowed down and told me if I could make it to Shreveport, I could stay with him and Dori as he knew my parents were not prepared to nurse me back to health. It would be months later that I would go to my parents and my sister's home.
When the head doctor told me, I couldn’t't go back yet and to hold a memorial for her later, I told him I was going to be there for her funeral if I had to get up and walk out. It was a monumental bluff and he knew it, I couldn’t' t even raise my head off the pillow. But he humored me and said the next day he would send the lung doctor to check out the improvement on my lungs and the leg doctor to see how my leg looked. If they gave approval he would let me go, if I let him call for an ambulance from Shreveport.
While I was waiting some good friends of Bertie and me came to the ICU. Ray and Mary Sue Gordon. I was telling them what I knew of the car wreck, which was very little. When I got to the point where I knew no more to say, a lady came through the curtain and told us what happened. Her name was Wanda Rose and she was the lady that held my head. She said they were having their weekly prayer meeting at a place called "The Mountain Inn" when the crash happened. They were Catholic. They ran out to where we were. Some went to check on the man in the truck and some to our car. The man that wouldn't let me out of my body was named John and he was the owner of "The Mountain Inn."
She said John spoke to me in Hebrew and I answered him in Hebrew. Mary Sue, Ray and I were speechless as she spoke. She said she followed me to the first hospital where they were trying to stabilize me and leaned over me and said Jesus isn't ready for me yet, and afterward followed me to the Fort Smith hospital and kept praying for me during all my surgery. She said she would talk with me again and as she left, I thanked her.
The lung doctor checked my lung and said it was to a point where it should heal on its own. He said hold your breath and he jerked the tube out. The leg doctor checked my leg and said the swelling had gone down enough for me to make the trip by ambulance to Shreveport.

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