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 Believe it: bad habits are killing you
Americans spend more money on diets and weight loss, drugs to quit smoking, reduce stress and manage pain than any other country. And yet we are still the most obese country in the world and have the most stress related health issues! Money and drugs alone do have the power to fix the chal- lenges we face when trying to make signifi- cant changes in our life. Whether it’s quitting smoking vapes or cigarettes, losing weight or overcoming an addiction, insomnia, or pain management, the missing ingredient is belief and confidence in ourselves. Belief is the cornerstone of human achievement.
Belief is currently the scientific test for every pharmaceutical you have ever taken. As of 2013, antidepressants were still only beating placebos by 9 percent! That is a shocking statistic and scientists are now studying the placebo effect more than ever.
Placebo surgeries are even being given and showing incredible effectiveness versus real surgeries. Although the placebo effect is real, scientists are struggling to find out exactly how it works. The power of belief cannot be overstated, and in the world of health, self- improvement, and better living, it is certainly the name of the game. We see so many more medical doctors and psychiatrists interested in learning what hypnotists do than ever before. One, two and three-year mentorship programs are already being announced for 2019 nationwide and in Canada.
If the power of belief can be so strong as to influence medical trials, how powerful do you think non-belief is? If deep down you think you can’t do it, then no amount of money, training, education or special trick is going to help you. This is why before and after pictures and testimonials are routinely used in advertisements across the world. The difference with professionally guided hypno- sis and the hundreds of weight loss programs is that it lasts, unlike the 94 percent who fail within two years with the popular and well- advertised national programs. The thinking is, if you see other people do it, then you can too! Before May 5, 1964, nobody had ever run a 4-minute mile. The “experts” said it couldn’t be done and that the human body simply was not capable of it. Some even claimed your lungs would explode if you tried! Rodger Bannister proved them all wrong by break- ing that barrier and now running a 4-minute mile is quite commonplace.
The first step is successfully achieving outcomes in your mind. If you want to lose pounds or quit smoking or sleep better or have less pain, don’t focus on the problem. Then do it again. And again. Successful hypnosis clients (whether they be corporate execs, everyday people, students or healthcare pros) find the
process and outcomes natural, and almost effortless. Successful repetition breeds over- whelming confidence. With this strategy you are not focusing on achieving your goal, you are focusing on building the belief to actually achieve your goal. You see, feel and hear it.
The second part of the strategy is while you are working on the external discipline and repetition to build confidence you must retrain your brain for belief. Our beliefs are shaped by everything around us: television, media, family, our childhood and hundreds of other factors. We might have negative beliefs buried deep down in parts of our brain that we are completely unaware of. Professionally guided hypnosis has proven we can start to untangle many of the negative beliefs that are blocking us. The horror of negative beliefs is that they make failure seem normal, expected, and end with the mental phrase, “See, I told you so.” This warps our reality and chokes off what is easily possible; a dramatic change in our life, our health and most importantly, belief in ourselves. Eighty eight percent of our brain is subconscious. That’s the part of your brain we teach you to control.
Through guided hypnosis you can open up the power of self-belief by hypnotizing in positive beliefs and un-hypnotizing negative ones at the subconscious level. Our subcon- scious is a repository of beliefs, both posi- tive and negative. By systematically working through these we can give you the confidence and power to achieve any self-help goal you set for yourself. By combining retraining our brain with repetition of small successes there is nothing we cannot change for the better.
In your free screening we determine if you can be hypnotized for success. We Teach, You Do, You Win. Check out our free monthly classes in clinic and on line if you are out of the geographic area.
Jay Luck, Master Hypnosis and NLP Consultant, can be reached at 612-868-8177 and online for on stage, in clinic corporate trainings and boardroom transforma- tions in 17 states and Canada.
  Tired of trying to lose weight and failing?
Want to quit smoking because it’s killing you?
Not getting what you want? Relationship, health, job...
Hypnosis Works!
29 Years in the Fox Valley and over 20,000 successful clients.
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CENTER 920-954-1277 • Green Bay and Appleton
   20 Nature’s Pathways® | November 2018

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