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The hustle and bustle of the extended holiday season can take a toll not only on our energy and mood, but also on our magnesium levels.
By now, we’ve all heard that magnesium is essential for optimal body function, but did you know that stress can increase the amount of magnesium we lose from our bodies, leading to magnesium inadequacy? Suddenly, we are stuck in a vicious cycle: reacting to stress/losing magnesium. This state then affects our adrenaline and cortisol produc- tion, making small stressors cause big reac- tions and depleting our magnesium stores.
Inadequate magnesium levels can have wide-ranging consequences for your health,
so the holidays can be an especially critical time to monitor your consumption. (Aside from stress, other conditions that can cause the body to lose the mineral faster than it can be replenished include intestinal issues, poor diet — sugar! — and alcohol consumption.) You may be suffering from magnesium insuf- ficiency if you experience fatigue, constipa- tion, muscle spasms, high blood pressure or loss of appetite, among other symptoms.
An adequate level of magnesium, which researchers refer to as “the neuro-protector,” is tied to providing health support in these areas: bone creation and integrity; energy production; nervous system balance (includ- ing sleep and relaxation); inflammation
control; muscle function (heart health); and blood sugar control.
Since average U.S. adults tend to fall short of the recommended 400 mg per day anyway, we should make a conscious effort to eat more magnesium-rich foods, such as spinach, Swiss chard, beet greens, pumpkin seeds, summer squash, turnip greens, sesame seeds, black beans, quinoa, cashews, avoca- dos, oily fish and seaweed.
Adding a magnesium supplement to your diet can also help, especially during the holiday season. Since there are several forms, each with slightly different benefits, the selection process can be confusing. How do you know which one is best for you? The
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30 Nature’s Pathways® | November 2018