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 Stacie M Patchett, FIC, CLTC®
Financial Associate
Thrivent Financial
4321 N. Ballard Rd., Appleton, WI 54919-0001 920-628-3700 (office) • 920-858-0108 (cell)
Stacie Patchett has been a financial as- sociate with Thrivent Financial for over 14 years. She is called to help her clients combine their values and finances in ways that help enable them to reach
their goals. Through a full range of products and ser- vices — which may include insurance, annuities and investments — she’ll help you create a financial pro- gram designed exclusively for you.
Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial, the marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent. Thrivent Financial representatives are reg- istered representatives of Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents/producers of Thrivent. For additional important information, visit
Daniel W Voss, CAP®, ChFC®, FIC, MBA
Financial Consultant
Thrivent Financial
4321 N. Ballard Rd., Appleton, WI 54919-0001 920-628-5500 •
Dan Voss has been a financial consultant with Thrivent Financial for over 16 years. He specializes in retirement planning, insurance, investments and estate strat- egies. Whether you are just starting out in
your career or are preparing for retirement, Dan will as- sess your situation and develop a financial strategy designed exclusively for you. Thrivent Financial – Con- necting faith & finances for good.
THRIVENT IS THE MARKETING NAME FOR THRIVENT FINANCIAL FOR LUTHERANS. Insurance products issued by Thrivent. Not available in all states. Securities and investment advisory services offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., A registered investment adviser, member FINRA and SIPC, and a subsidiary of Thrivent. Licensed agent/ producer of Thrivent. Registered representative of Thrivent Investment Management, Inc. Advisory services available through investment ad- viser representatives only.
Aerial Dance Pole Exercise
1871 N. Silverspring Dr., Appleton 1601 Lawrence Dr., De Pere 920-750-1441
At our studio in Appleton, Wisconsin, we teach the aerial arts of Pole Exercise, Hoop, Hammock and Silks in addition to flexibility, cardio and conditioning classes.
Aerial Dance premiered the circus arts in the Fox Cities in 2010. The curriculum at Aerial Dance is designed by Dr. Paula Brusky to safely build strength while having fun! Our professional pole dancing and aerial arts in- structors have countless hours of experience and mul- tiple fitness certifications. We offer small class sizes, 40+ class times each week and 13+ drop-in class types. Come fly and spin to a stronger, more confident you and be empowered by the aerial arts at Aerial Dance!
YMCA of the Fox Cities
For a location near you see our ad on pg. 29 or visit
Being healthy means more than simply being physically active. It’s about main- taining a balanced spirit, mind and body. The Y is a place where you can work to-
ward that balance by challenging yourself to learn a new skill or hobby, fostering connections with friends through our lifelong learning programs, or bringing your loved ones closer together through our many family-centered activities. At the Y, it’s not about the activity you choose as much as it is about the benefits of living healthier on the inside as well as the outside. For 130 years, the YMCA of the Fox Cities has been a unifying force in the Fox Valley. The YMCA positively impacts the quality of life for more than 60,000 people each year, giving children skills and values which pro- tect the integrity of family life and neighborhoods.
Board of Chiropractic Internists through the American Chiropractic Association and Council for the Diagnosis of Internal Disorders, a Certified Nutritional Counselor and a Functional Medicine Practitioner. As a student and avid learner, Dr. Scott has been studying Function- al Medicine since 2005. Dr. Scott practices Functional Medicine, Spine and Extremity Care, Nutritional Coun- seling and offers Advanced Diagnostic Testing includ- ing Food Sensitivity Testing. Call today for your compli- mentary consultation.
Apotheke Wellness
3020 E College Ave, Ste B, Appleton 920-574-2853
A natural health and wellness bou- tique for all generations. Located in Appleton, Wisconsin, Apotheke fea- tures CBD products, natural supple-
ments and make-up, essential oils, and gifts that pro- mote a healthy lifestyle and positive self-image. Apotheke Wellness of Appleton is co-owned and oper- ated by Sarah Fabry, RN and Jodi McBride, two friends dedicated to learning as much as they can about natu- ral alternatives and a vision for sharing it with others. So what is all the buzz about CBD? Browse our website, attend a free seminar, or spend time with our in-house RN to understand all the health benefits of CBD.
Cryotherapy of Wisconsin
940 Hansen Road, Suite D, Green Bay • 920-366-2449 3525 E. Calumet Street, Suite 300, Appleton 920-460-7035
Pain getting you down, draining your energy, or making it harder to do the
things you want? Cryotherapy can help relieve pain from: arthritis, sports injury, post-op surgery, acci- dents, age-related aches and pains, headaches, in- flammation and exercise recovery. Cryotherapy works by quickly dropping your skin temperature, triggering the release of anti-inflammatory molecules, endor- phins, increased oxygen in the blood, and the release of toxins. After 90 seconds to 3 minutes, you step out of the cryosauna with the healing effects of an ice bath, a full night’s sleep, and increased circulation. Take the first step toward less pain and more energy! If you’re looking for a safe, natural, and effective way to start living a more vibrant life, call or schedule your cryosauna session online.
Dreams of Jeanne, LLC
Jeanne Gehrke, Owner/Health & Wellness Advocate 920-841-0304
Let me help you achieve YOUR WELL- NESS DREAMS. Jeanne, Wellness Advo- cate and owner of Dreams of Jeanne spe- cializes in essential oils and whole body wellness. Jeanne cares for the person with
the disease, not the disease and knows only the body can heal itself. She offers her clients AromaTouch Tech- nique Sessions, Reflexology Treatments, Reiki, Aroma- therapy and Detox Wraps along with Wellness and Weight Management Consultations. Call today and let Jeanne help you reach your potential to be truly healthy! Schedule appointments conveniently online.
November 2018 | Nature’s Pathways® 57
116 S. Commercial St., Suite 010, Neenah 920-558-4033
Buoy offers flotation therapy, along with other services and products geared toward your
well-being. Flotation therapy is said to be an effective yet simple way to boost health and happiness by offer- ing benefits both mentally and physically. People float to relieve stress, recover from injury, eliminate chronic pain and practice meditation. Studies indicate that float- ing increases dopamine and endorphin levels, boosting your mood, and leaving you with a pleasant afterglow that lasts for days. Without the need to fight gravity or take in external information, you will likely experience the most complete relaxation you have ever felt.
Float Light Float Center
609 W College Ave., Downtown Appleton 920-364-9303
Book online:
Take a journey Floating Light in the cultural center of the Fox Cities, Downtown Apple- ton at Float Light Float Center.
Floating Light is a revolutionary new form of Mental, Physical and Spiritual Therapy, a place where you dis- connect with the chaotic external world and reconnect with your innermost consciousness. Immerse yourself in the Midwest’s largest custom built Float Cabins or try the worlds first Orb Light pod. Our suites accommo- date the introspective traveler with Sensory Depriva- tion or those looking to relax, decompress and heal the mind, body and spirt with Floatation Therapy in our custom blend of Epsom salts. Private guest parking available on the west side of our building.
Vander Wielen Health & Wellness Diagnostic Center, LLC
1486 Kenwood Drive, Menasha 920-722-2100
Creating a partnership and healing rela- tionship with his patients, Dr. Scott Vander Wielen, DC, DABCI is a licensed chiro- practor, a Diplomate of the American

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