Page 96 - Demo
P. 96

 3.2 tattu amanaskasthityartham।
But that is only to obtain Amanaska state of Mind.
The goal of Kuṇḍalinī raising is to take it to the at the top of Brain. At this stage, the mind obtains a thoughtless state called   . That is all what Kuṇḍalinī rising can do. It does not give spirituality beyond thoughtless stage of mind. On the way to amanaska state, as the Kuṇḍalinī is rising and piercing various cakras, one obtains special abilities also called vibhūti. One should not get caught up in these powers. Otherwise, the goal of Haṭhayoga is not attained. Let us look what Haṭhayogapradīpikā states. From these statements, we understand that a yogi should not display their powers to the common people and should continue steady practice till amanaska state is reached.
   हठ-ववद्या परं गोप्या योचगना शसवधशमरछता । भवेद्वीयमवती गप्तु ा तनवीयाम तु प्रकाशशता ॥ १.११॥
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sahasrāra cakra

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