Page 15 - Introduction to investing in Gold
P. 15

 The Beginner's Guide to Investing in Gold
The aim of this book is to enable you to invest in the gold market. Not only set out what I’ve done but, more importantly, WHY I did it. You want results, and I want to try and help you get them.
I started off where you are today. I had a problem –how could I invest and try to protect myself from the ravages of inflation? I wanted to have a diversified portfolio which meant investing outside the more “normal channels” – such as bonds, equities, and property. But how did I do that? This book tells you what I did and, therefore, what you might like to do.
I worked out my options (there’s no downside to knowing your options) and chose an investment path (a strategy) that worked for me.
I made some mistakes, and hopefully, you can learn from what I did wrong without making the same mistakes yourself.
But I’ve also made some very successful investments, and I’d like you to do the same.
I’ve broken everything down into the essential building blocks for investing. I’ve focused on the gold market, but the advice in this book really applies to any investment you make.
By the end of the book, I want you to become a better investor, not just in gold but in everything you do.
Focusing on gold, you’ll know:
1.Where gold comes from and why it’s so valuable.
2.How gold has performed in some previous downturns. 3.Different ways of accessing the gold markets.
4.What to look for when analysing gold mining stocks. 5.What to ask your financial adviser about investing in gold. 6.What the gold:silver ratio is, and why you should look at it. 7.What to look for when selecting a broker.
8.The mistakes I made early on and how you can avoid them. 9.My B.R.I.D.G.E. system

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