Page 30 - Introduction to investing in Gold
P. 30

The Beginner's Guide to Investing in Gold
1.Become aware of the ongoing interest and inflation rates as well as any other factors that impact the value of your investments.
2.Ensure you are aware of your own personal rate of inflation. I know you’re busy, so perhaps work out the two or three things you spend most of your money on and track those (the headline rate is based on a basket of goods that may have little relevance as to how you spend your money).
3.Regularly review your business plan for each project – does it still make sense? Especially check the assumptions you’ve made.
4.Don’t only keep in touch with your side of the deal but also the other. Has anything changed that works for or against you? For example, if you have a property, has a popular restaurant closed, a new school or gym opened? It may not be relevant for you, but it might be for your tenants.
5.Look at where you are in the cycle (don’t fall in love with something that can’t love you back).
6.Always look at your investments from different angles.

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