Page 3 - 2021 MCCCI BookletNewCoverVersion
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Ms. Johanna Robinson, General Chairperson
I am pleased to welcome you to our 71st Annual Monmouth County Cotillion. This year presented obstacles we could have never anticipated and s my first year as General Chair, I realize that, more than ever, “it takes a village, to help our participants reach their goals.” This year presented a multitude of challenges including: limited funding due to COVID’s impact, the complexity of recruiting students during a lock down, ZOOM overload on our students and our committee, devising compelling and engaging virtual meetings for our students and their parents.
Despite these challenges, we persevered and were determined not to break our 71 year record of consecutive Cotillions and
to make this Cotillion one that our students would remember for a lifetime. We enhanced our Cotillion Closet to reduce the cost of participation, slashed our budget and held fundraisers and sold advertisements to bolster our scholarship fund.
As always, our weekly Sunday sessions were designed to virtually enhance each student and prepare them to achieve successful futures. There were a variety of workshops including: effective virtual presence, money management, dressing for success with a limited wardrobe, etiquette lessons in table manners and proper introductions, in addition to offering various websites for them to apply for scholarships.
A very special thank you to all committee members for giving up so much of the personal time toward the success of this season and this Cotillion. Your dedication and insight will follow these Debutantes and Escorts as they enter the next chapter of their education.
I would also like to commend each of this year’s participants for remaining diligent and responsible. With many of them also involved with additional obligations, they still managed to attend the meetings and meet their requirements. I applaud their efforts!
In closing, we invite you to return next year for our 72nd cotillion. We look forward to a return to normal and wishfully anticipate participation on a large scale!.
To all participants, we wish you the best and look forward to you continuing to be active in the cotillion as alumni members.
Johanna Robinson, General Chairperson

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