Page 7 - Henry Boot Net Zero Carbon Flipbook
P. 7
The The gases that contribute
to global warming The The four main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide (CO2) methane (CH4) nitrous oxide oxide (N2O) and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) EMISSION SCOPES:
Greenhouse gas emissions are categorised into three scopes:
relates to directly produced emissions emissions (e g g fleet and generator emissions)
SCOPE 2 relates to purchased energy (e g g electricity provision for company facilities)
relates to indirect emissions (associated with supply chain commuting construction materials etc) NZC NET ZERO CARBON:
An organisation achieves NZC when the the amount of greenhouse gases it it adds to the the the atmosphere is no greater than the the amount it it removes Balancing greenhouse gas emissions is is done by
a a a a combination of reducing emissions and supporting carbon offsetting schemes CARBON OFFSETTING:
The process of reducing the damage caused by
releasing CO2 into the environment by
funding projects or carrying out activities that remove CO2 – e e e e e e e e g g g g tree planting or or peatbog restoration