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P. 172

 It Takes A Village
Sometimes care is simple
and direct, a one-on-one relationship that feels very intimate and personal. Other times, it’s more of a big, intense group hug. That’s how it is with Allyson.
A client since 2004, Allyson aged out of pediatric service in 2016 and transitioned to adult nursing care through our TRAC program (Transition Readiness Assessment and Collaboration). She has diabetes but her main diagnosis is a complex seizure disorder that has led to several hospitalizations. One further challenge: her parents are divorced, so Allyson splits her time between two homes.
We worked with her family and longtime clinicians as we transitioned all her care to two offices—the Philadelphia Younger Adults office and Philadelphia Skilled Nursing.
It takes assistive and personal care, habilitation services, community integration, and sometimes, nursing, PT, and OT—if she’s had a setback from a hospitalization. The phrase “it takes a village” comes to mind.
Allyson has been stable and doing well, with no hospitalizations since a lengthy admission in 2018. She enjoys activities in her community and hopes to move to an assisted living apartment in the future. Her team continues to participate as
her advocate, to maintain or increase her level of services as needed. Best of all, she has kept her same clinicians, so the relationships that have been forged with Allyson and her family are not only intact, they are flourishing.
Allyson will always need support.
We embrace her goal to become as independent as possible. She wants to travel internationally, and her family calls her “a worldwide person.” They believe in her, and so do we. Together, we work to turn our belief into
her reality.

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