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The New York Film Academy offers you the platform, opportunity, and resources to transform your passion for lm into practical, professional skills through the most hands-on, intensive lmmaking programs in the world.
At the New York Film Academy, lm students are working behind the camera from the very rst day of class. NYFA lmmaking students write, direct, produce, shoot and edit their own original projects at a fast pace, graduating with an incredible amount of hands-on experience, practical knowledge, and lms to showcase.
NYFA students learn to collaborate and rotate through essential crew positions to gain a comprehensive understanding of the lmmaking process from preproduction to post-production. Our lmmaking programs challenge students on every level and prepare them to compete as professionals in the art world and entertainment industry.
Movies don’t come to life in a vacuum. Filmmaking
is an intensively collaborative art form; which is why you want to spend your time in school learning from award-winning industry professionals. NYFA lmmaking instructors have been honored with Academy Awards, Emmy Awards, Sundance Grand Jury Prizes, European Film Awards, and many others.
Filmmaking instructors don’t just teach lm: they create it. Our lmmaking faculty continue to work on such iconic lms as “The Terminator,” “X-Men,” “The Dark Knight Rises,” “Flags of Our Fathers,” “The Inglorious Bastards,” “Shrek,” “How Stella Got Her Groove Back,” “Boogie Nights,” and “Friday the 13th.” Their television credits include “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” “Beverly Hills, 90210,” “Fire y,” “Freaks and Geeks,” “The Twilight Zone,” “Gilmore Girls,” and “Saturday Night Live,” just to name a few.
Please Note: Curriculum and projects are subject to change and may vary depending on location. Students should consult the most recently published campus catalog for the most up to date course information.