Page 151 - nyfa-brochure
P. 151
Admissions Policy
An applicant to New York Film Academy programs
and workshops must have a high school diploma or acceptable equivalent by the time of the course start date. There is no minimum GPA required; however, students must speak English and express a serious desire to explore the art and craft of visual storytelling. Applicants will be interviewed in English by an admissions committee member by phone or in person.
All applicants must possess the drive and commitment necessary to complete a rigorous, total immersion program. They must be able to communicate well
and work collaboratively with others in an artistic environment. Each program requires different supplemental materials for admittance.
The admissions process leading to enrollment is conducted in English. In order to enroll, students sign an enrollment agreement that includes the terms and conditions and all cancellation and refund policies of their program. If English is not the student’s primary language, and the student is unable to understand the terms and conditions of the enrollment agreement, the
student shall have the right to obtain a clear explanation of the terms and conditions and all cancellation and refund policies in his or her primary language.
Please note that The ESL School at NYFA offers English language classes to prepare non-native speakers for their program.
Please note that admission to any New York Film Academy program is based upon applicant information received during the admissions process. However, if
a student has been admitted before starting classes, and demonstrates that he or she is not fully prepared
to commence studies at the Academy, NYFA will meet with the student to determine a proper course of action. This may include additional testing or instruction, deferring enrollment to a later semester, or enrollment in a different program of study better suited to the student.
Application Fee
Of cial Undergraduate Transcript
Of cial Undergraduate Transcript
Of cial High School Transcript
Of cial High School Transcript
Of cial High School Transcript
Of cial High School Transcript or Of cial College Transcript
Of cial High School Transcript
Requirements Speci c for Each Program.
Letters of Recommendation
Narrative Statement
Max. 5 Typed Pages
Max. 5 Typed Pages
Max. 3 Typed Pages
Max. 3 Typed Pages
Max. 3 Typed Pages
Proof of English Pro ciency
TOEFL iBT of 79 and IELTS of 6.5
TOEFL iBT of 79 and IELTS of 6.5
TOEFL iBT of 68 or IELTS of 5.5
TOEFL iBT of 68 or IELTS of 5.5
TOEFL iBT of 68 or IELTS of 5.5
A positive language evaluation via phone/Skype or
TOEFL iBT of 68 or IELTS of 5.5