Page 17 - nyfa-brochure
P. 17

Filmmaking Projects
Not only does NYFA teach you how to become
an expert in your  eld, it also shows you how to build relationships, friendships
and industry collaborations.
The Film Academy designed the following projects to build students’ technical and creative skills. The projects listed are assigned in the various  lmmaking programs. Not all projects are assigned in all programs. For the complete list of projects in any speci c program, please see the campus catalog for the speci c program at the location of interest.
By creating a dramatic moment, and concentrating on the dynamics of the shot that will best express this moment, students explore how the relationship between the subject and the camera can create a visual story.
In this project students are challenged to make a  lm that maintains continuity in time and space, but most importantly narrative continuity.
Music and Montage Film
Here students explore the relationship between sound and film, as well as narrative tools like montage and jump cuts.
Subtext (Chekhovian) Project
This project challenges students to explore the relationship between dialogue and dramatic action, and is each student’s  rst foray into directing a  lm with dialogue recorded on set.
Music Videos
The Music Video challenges students to integrate music and image through casting, locations, cinematography and editing. This may include live performance, but also may include interpretations of previously created music.

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