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Acting for Film
The New York Film Academy has created a revolutionary acting program designed to offer students the opportunity to develop their acting for lm skills through intensive on-camera training. For students insatiably curious about human behavior and passionate about the special qualities that an actor can bring to the art of lm and television, our programs empower actors to deepen their experience in front
of the camera, ground their creative impulses in technique, and strengthen their professional practice through hands-on projects and intensive coursework.
At the heart of New York Film Academy Acting for
Film programs is our philosophy of learning by doing, which places an emphasis on exposing students
to instructors, material, and encounters that up
their acting game. From the very rst day of class,
we provide instruction that challenges students to increase the quality of their on-camera delivery and individual mentorship that students can directly apply to projects lmed in professional locations such as
the Universal Studios backlot, the iconic streets of New York City, or the unique South Florida landscape. NYFA’s emphasis on project-based education allows our students the opportunity to develop and heighten the skills needed to thrive both as professionals
and as artists, with courses designed to offer a comprehensive infrastructure on both the business and the craft of acting for the camera.
This focused approach to core technique in the context of lm is equally valuable for beginning actors and those with experience, as we strengthen expertise
at all levels. Our acting for lm instructors are professional, working actors, writers, directors, and producers — veterans of Hollywood, independent lm, and television — who give each student insight into current industry practices and the rigorous discipline necessary for crafting performances for lm.
Please Note: Curriculum and projects are subject to change and may vary depending on location. Students should consult the most recently published campus catalog for the most up to date course information.