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Photography Programs Master of Fine Arts
The New York Film Academy’s Master of Fine Arts in Photography offers a unique edge for graduate students by embracing all lens-based media, offering advanced training in both digital and  lm-based photography.
Our MFA program supports aesthetic exploration
and promotes academic enquiry through research, recognizing the importance of critical analysis and writing to both comprehend and create a cohesive body of work.
At NYFA, our MFA students engage with a diverse international student body and a core faculty of working professionals as they apply what they learn to the real world, venturing to museums, galleries, and studios, and learning from guest lecturers, photographers, artists, and curators. Successful MFA in photography graduates will develop and print a professional portfolio of meticulously executed images, create full promotional materials for targeted markets, and produce a  nal thesis exhibition to serve as their launch toward the industry of their choice.
Bachelor of Fine Arts
The New York Film Academy’s accelerated 3-year Bachelor of Fine Arts degree provides professional training, hands-on experience, and academic excellence as students build a foundation for the  elds of commercial,  ne art, or documentary photography. Students are nurtured to forge their own identity as artists, and then conceptualize and complete self- directed projects that culminate in a cohesive body of work.
Our BFA photography students are thoroughly equipped with the creative, technical, and business skills of professionals, while also enjoying the enriching liberal arts education that will offer them a broad knowledge base to fuel their growth and inspiration not only as photographers, but as human beings. We integrate photography, general education, art and design
history courses to offer a well-rounded education that empowers students to discover their own voice. Our photographers will be prepared to function in
the professional workplace, whether in a creative photography environment or in a complementary  eld.
2-Year Conservatory
The 2-Year Photography Program offers students the opportunity to further the intensive knowledge and
experience developed in NYFA’s 1-Year Photography Program through a second year of study, where students work through advanced courses and deepen their body of original work. Second-year conservatory students will explore new applications of photography theory
and technique. Advanced courses guide students
as they learn state-of-the-art digital technology,
the moving image as a natural extension and 21st century convergence of photographic and cinematic technologies and aesthetics, while being  rmly grounded in the history and photochemical processes of the medium.
2-year students will add onto what they learn in the  rst year and bene t from a deeper theoretical and practical understanding of photography, as they create and mount their own exhibitions. Students graduate with
a comprehensive set of skills tailored towards making them  ercely competitive in the industry.
1-Year Conservatory
The New York Film Academy’s conservatory-style programs offer students the opportunity to focus
their full energy and passion toward an intensive, professional course in photography. Our 1-year program is designed as a total immersion experience to equip students with the practical skills, technique, and expertise of professionals.
Conservatory students will learn to master all the relevant technology required to thrive in today’s competitive market. Our supportive, conservatory environment encourages creativity as students study the technology, aesthetics, business, history and theory of still photography. Challenging classes are combined with the New York Film Academy’s unique emphasis
on the hands-on experience to help students instantly transfer new information into tactile, concrete skill.
Short-Term Workshops
At the New York Film Academy’s short-term workshops, students create their own projects and learn professional digital imaging software, learning the fundamentals of photography and gaining a tremendous amount of hands-on experience. With intensive workshops located in New York City and Los Angeles, each NYFA workshop is designed to deliver a huge amount of knowledge and skill in an exhilarating, compressed amount of time.
Students of NYFA’s 8-week, 4-week, and 12-week evening photography workshops build a strong foundation in the technical elements of exposure, digital image editing, organization techniques, studio and
location lighting, and the aesthetics of composition.
For students eager to focus on fashion photography, NYFA’s fashion photography workshop offers the rare opportunity to learn the process behind the scenes from prep to post in one of the fashion capitals of the world: New York City. Every single day of their workshop, students can expect to actively shoot, edit, and assess the images they take as they acquire new techniques and knowledge.
_ 8-Week Photography Workshop
_ 4-Week Photography Workshop
_ 4-Week Fashion Photography Workshop _ 12-Week Evening Photography Workshop
Photography Trip
New York Film Academy photography students who enroll in our conservatory or degree programs may choose an exciting addition to their studies: an
optional photography expedition, where students
travel and create in-the- eld visual projects. For students passionate about using their school vacation or semester break time to seek out new stories in the wider world, the New York Film Academy’s photography exploration offers a chance to dive into a new location,  nd a story, and create a project under the supervision of our award-winning faculty and staff. The trip is offered as an optional experience, students are not required to participate.
Exploring another culture is key to helping students re-examine their perspective on the world while providing valuable new ways to inspire and shape their art-making. Students and instructors travel together from the New York Film Academy’s campuses, whether it’s exploring gorgeous new regions in the United States like Arizona or traveling to another country like the beautiful Dominican Republic. On a recent photography expedition to the Dominican Republic, the assignment was to tell a visual story about the country. Students created a varied and large selection of work – from social documentary to landscape, from portraits
to abstracts of the colors in Las Terrenas. Some of the images created by students on the photography expedition went on to exhibit at the Brooklyn-based Photography festival Photoville.
As NYFA’s Chair of Photography David Mager says it: “This trip is an amazing opportunity for students to
put into practice everything they have learned in our program so far; and to do so in a live shoot environment couldn’t be more exciting or challenging.”

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