Page 4 - Peel Regional Police's 2017-2019 Strategic Plan
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I am pleased to present Peel Regional Police’s 2016 Annual Report. The report highlights many of the successful initiatives, investigations, programs and partnerships that Peel Regional Police have worked so hard to achieve together with the community over the past year.
This was a notable year for Peel Regional Police, our 2016 Community Survey revealed that 93% of residents are satisfied with the work of Peel Regional Police. This represents our highest rating ever. Nine out of 10 residents surveyed said they felt safe in their neighbourhoods and are satisfied with the quality of services we provided when responding to problems in their communities and preventing crime. We are proud of these achievements, and we will continue to work with the community to provide community-based policing initiatives, including our Community Mobilization Teams, which provide increased police visibility in the community enhancing public safety.
The end of 2016 marked the completion of our 2014-2016 Strategic Plan and we were successful in realizing the goals it set forth. We made significant progress in many areas including expanding our community engagement through our social media platforms, crime prevention programs, and our Black, Chinese, LGBT, Muslim, Sikh and Youth Advisory Committees. Innovative recruiting initiatives ensure we continue to hire the most qualified candidates and that we are well-positioned to better reflect our community. We have also expanded youth initiatives such as the Youth Cyber Safety Academy and we put more School Resource Officers in schools. Road safety was identified by the community as a top safety concern and in 2016 we continued our traffic education campaigns to keep our roads safe. We also expanded our Conducted Energy Weapons Program providing more non-lethal use of force options to our front-line officers.
The 2017-2019 Strategic Planning process began in 2016 and included community consultation. The new Strategic Plan re-affirms our ongoing commitment to community safety as our highest priority as well as focusing on employee health, wellness and opportunity, fiscal responsibility and policing excellence.
As we look back on 2016 I would like to recognize the hard work and dedication of the Peel Regional Police employees and the many volunteers for their commitment to professionalism as well as my appreciation for the community’s continued support. I would also like to thank the Police Services Board, Regional Council, and our many policing partners for their dedication to support our vision of “A Safer Community Together”.
Chief of Police Region of Peel

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