Page 7 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan
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A further aspect of this phase and one which complements the aforementioned secondary LMI is employer led intelligence sourced from two primary research exercises into the workforce and skills needs of large companies in South West and Mid Wales. A large company survey was commissioned by the RLSP and WG to look specifically at companies with a workforce of over 150 employees and undertaken throughout April. An additional survey was disseminated electronically by the RLSP targeting all business types across the region and conducted between April and June. The findings have been analysed and combined to form the employers voice element of this plan. This level of employer engagement aims to confirm that this plan has considered not only secondary labour market intelligence but also the ‘real-time’ needs of the key employers within the region.
1.2.2 Phase two - Supply
Phase two will allow the opportunity for further engagement with employers, providers and key stakeholders. This engagement will underpin the work undertaken by the RLSP in the analysis of the curriculum supply information against the demand information identified during phase one. It is during this time that the appropriateness of curriculum provision will be determined and whereby recommendations will be made at a sector level.
1.2.3 The Sectors
The sectors focussed on in this plan have been included as they are deemed of significance to the region. Where possible these sectors have been categorised as pertaining to the aspirational or foundational economy, however, some sectors do show an over-lap between the two.
Foundational Economy
Health & Social Care
Food & Farming
Leisure & Tourism
Financial & Professional Services
Aspirational Economy
Life Sciences
Energy & Environment
Advanced Materials & Manufacturing
Creative Industries
& Communication Technology
*Education is being identified as a sector as it is a key economic driver for the region.
Therefore for the purpose of this report it will be focussed on as being separate to the public sector.
Regional Employment & Skills Plan South West & Mid Wales Background