Page 21 - The Next Ten Years - Bronllys Wellbeing Park
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   “The Bevan Commission is extremely pleased to have played a part in the early creation and thinking of such an innovative and transformative proposal. This is a great example of prudent health and care; co created by and for local people in rural communities, using all skills and resources to best effect to help address health and care needs. It also offers exciting opportunities to work with a wide range of other partners such as academia, industry and R&D to develop and test innovative ways of working and providing care for those in need.”
Helen Howson – CEO, The Bevan Commission
“The grounds of Bronllys Hospital abound with potential for the aims of BWBP which local people – including local Veterans – have long recognised.
It should be remembered that the surrounding area, indeed much of Powys, has strong military connections: scratch the surface of any family just a little and you will find connections with the Military be it serving, past or future members or links through work. For some years Veterans have been promoting the concept of a place of respite within the grounds of Bronllys Hospital for ex Services personnel but also for general convalescence purposes. As a place of healing Bronllys Hospital is ideally placed to host such a respite centre and we would urge inclusion of respite care in future plans.
We are delighted that BWBP are working towards realising the enormous potential of Bronllys Hospital which fully deserves to become the jewel in the crown of the PTHB.” Mick Farrell (Veteran) and Janet Epplestone (Military Family)
“The ideas underpinning the Bronllys Well Being Park strategy is to be commended. Bronllys Well Being Park is the type of project that a future Plaid Cymru Welsh Government would like to see across Wales, involving the community, local ownership, securing affordable housing and providing jobs for young people in their community. As someone who had to move out of Powys as a young person for work ensuring employment opportunities are available for people to remain in the county is welcome. As we rebuild the economy after COVID-19 I look forward to working with the team on their journey to turn the vision into reality.” Helen Mary Jones, Shadow Economy, Transport and Tackling Poverty Minister Plaid Cymru MS,
                                  ©Bronllys Well Being Park (CLT) Limited 2020
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