Page 25 - The Next Ten Years - Bronllys Wellbeing Park
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5.2.2 Aspirations Expressed at 2019 Public Engagement Events
At the public engagement events held in Bronllys and Talgarth in October 2019, the display drawings stimulated lively debate around a number of ideas that residents would like to see manifested on the Bronllys Community Hospital site, some already part of the display, some new. The responses were consistently positive and the suggestions built on the vision already established by BWBP. Comments ranged from the strongly affirmative -
“The most brilliant of projects”
“The Community Needs This!”
“A wonderful far sighted project and well needed facility for the community”
“An exciting project!”
“The Planet Needs This!”
– to the more down to earth and insightful:
“I like the transport hub concept.”
“This would connect the community.”
“Can see this will bring in a lot of beneficial employment to the area.”
“This will safeguard valuable NHS jobs that are vitally needed for our
“The dementia care home and other projects will tap into caring traditions of the
“The Rechargeable Community Transport hub will offer new era employment
“The idea of having a Repair Shop is great especially if it is like the TV
“Shepherds Huts brilliant idea.”
5.2.3 Specific Desires Expressed at 2019 Public Engagement Events
Partly building on the ideas already suggested by BWBP, partly out of lived experience in the community, the following desires were expressed in relation to the creation of a well-being park at Bronllys Community Hospital:
A Dementia Village where residents are free to walk about, use the café, sensory garden etc. in a safe, contained space
A Community Nursery to be placed alongside a day centre for elderly people, to encourage intergenerational contact, e.g. those from Llewellyn Ward
Well-being therapeutic activities for children
Supported workshops for disabled people
A Sculpture Park through the woods joining a path with a selection of dragons
of different Welsh materials
©Bronllys Well Being Park (CLT) Limited 2020
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