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 presented to Board Members in 2018. PTHB signed a MoU with us and PCC
in 2019.
 PCC Directors, Officers and Councillors are attending meetings and advising
us. Early in our development we presented our proposals to the full Cabinet.
PCC signed a MoU with us and PTHB in 2019.
 ChrisJones,DeputyMedicalOfficerforWaleshasspokenattwoBWBPAGMs
and shared the philosophy of a Healthier Wales.
5.3.2 Institutional Support
 The Reverend John D E Davies, Archbishop of Wales and Bishop of Swansea and Brecon, wrote to Vaughan Gething, Minister for Health & Social Services, endorsing the BWBP and encouraging close collaboration between PCC, PTHB and BWBP.
 David Palmer, Casey Edwards and Alan Shepherd, Wales Co-operative Housing Centre, advise us on community-led housing strategy and attend our meetings.
 The Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations (PAVO) has supported BWBP with fundraising, HR and other advice since the outset.
 In 2014, following our presentation, the Community Health Council advised us to take our proposals to WG with their support.
 The Arwain Leader Programme awarded BWBP major funding to employ our Project Development Officer, our part-time Admin Co-ordinator and soon to be appointed Action Co-ordinator. This has enabled BWBP to commission Feasibility Studies on relevant areas and undertake a range of community engagements.
 TheBevanCommissionanditsCEOHelenHowson,whogaveusadvicefrom the outset and went on to raise BWBP’s profile by inviting us to present at the 2018 NHS 70th Anniversary Conference.
 TheBWBPAdvisoryPanelwithitsinvaluablerangeofexpertise.
 TheauthorsoftheBWBPFeasibilityStudies:“FoodGrowing”,“Leisure,Fitness
& Cultural Opportunities”, and “Housing”, Jon Adams and Hedda Kaphengst.
5.3.3 Individual Support
 SezaEccleshasadvisedusonEcotherapeutics,Biophiliaandpublishing.
 James Ewins has advised us on Community Radio
 Dr Alan Rothaul BSc, PhD has advised us on the potential of employment in
medical sciences and virtual pharma business
 Dr Derek Wilson FRCGP former Secretary of Welsh RCGP advised us on
historical matters
 FivehundredplusmembersoftheBronllysCommunityLandTrustLtd
©Bronllys Well Being Park (CLT) Limited 2020
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