Page 31 - The Next Ten Years - Bronllys Wellbeing Park
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The Enquiry by Design Report further stated that “...Bronllys Community Hospital site is far too large for any future NHS purpose, and a new vision and future for the site needs to be developed.” The Report continues: “The Prince’s Foundation proposes that the site be given over to a CLT that would be able to retain and maintain the core elements of the site upon which the ethos of well-being were originally built.”
There are two Listed Buildings on the site. The Basil Webb Hall was built in memory of Thomas Henry Basil Webb, killed in the First World War, and is currently used by PTHB as office and meeting space. The Chapel was built with a gift from Sir David R Llewellyn and H Seymour Berry (Lord Buckland of Bwlch) and is currently closed, deemed unsafe and in need of repair. Both buildings are designed in the Arts & Crafts style.
The Concert Hall is currently used as a venue for PTHB training events, for meetings and as a facility to run patient-focused groups and classes. In 2018 the Talgarth Short Mat Bowling Club requested PTHB that it be allowed to return to its former base in the Concert Hall and several small businesses have expressed interest in running exercise classes there.
One unusual built feature is the 140m long covered “spine” walkway connecting wards and other buildings.
6.1.2 Existing Environmental Assets
The whole area lies within the Middle Wye Valley Landscape of Historic Interest, and the hospital grounds are listed Grade II on the list of Historic Gardens of Special Interest (CADW Register). The immediate landscape is stunning, with stands of mature trees, orchards and grazing land, and extensive views to the Brecon Beacons and the Black Mountains to the south. There are remnants of the extensive growing and cultivation that took place as in its early days the hospital was largely self-sufficient in vegetables and fruit, grown in its heavily planted gardens and orchards.
Although the orchard is being maintained, the site is now devoid of other food growing activities, but there is interest from groups such as the PTHB Integrated Autism Service and Brecon MIND Eco-Therapy Group in utilising the site to develop an Ecotherapy group. In 2018 an application was made to PTHB by BWBP for an area of land to support a food growing project. This followed the publication in 2016 by WG of its “Guidance on Allotments and Community Led Gardening Projects”. See also BWBP’s 2018 report “Feasibility Study into Food Growing Projects at Bronllys Hospital”.
There are still the remnants of a croquet/bowls lawn and a tennis court. See also BWBP’s report “Feasibility Study into Leisure, Fitness and Cultural Opportunities at Bronllys Hospital Site”, 2019.
©Bronllys Well Being Park (CLT) Limited 2020
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