Page 55 - The Next Ten Years - Bronllys Wellbeing Park
P. 55

 9.1.2 Master Plan
BWBP intends to seek further funding for the development of a Master Plan for the Bronllys Community Hospital site and its immediate surroundings including the village of Bronllys. This Master Plan could form the basis for a competition, attracting some of the best practices in the country and thus raising the profile of the project.
9.1.3 Project Manager
To ensure the thorough implementation of the Business Plan, BWBP will seek funding for the appointment of a full-time Project Manager. The role should include the following key responsibilities:
 Working with and over-seeing the Marketing Manager in promotion of the BWBP project and managing the expectations and motivation of all stakeholders
 Managing the process of negotiation and agreement with PCC and PTHB on the transfer of the Bronllys Community Hospital asset to BWBP CLT and the terms of that transfer
 Creating and managing the creation of a Fundraising Strategy and its implementation
 Managing any staff and/or consultants brought in
 Reporting regularly to the BWBP CLT Board and all stakeholders
 Supervising financial management of the BWBP project
9.1.4 Marketing Manager
BWBP also plans to seek funding for the recruitment of a Marketing Manager, to work closely with the Project Manager, with responsibility for:
 Marketing materials, press releases etc.
 Presentations, conferences etc.
 Recruitment of supporters and partners
 Reporting regularly to stakeholders
9.1.5 Staffing
As part of a comprehensive funding package, BWBP needs to cover staff costs for a realistic period – say three years – in order that resources are focused on managing the development of projects. Existing funding from Arwain should be extended.
9.1.6 Fundraiser
BWBP proposes to recruit a professional fundraiser. This role could either be fund- raised for or – more likely – conducted on a “success fee” basis.
©Bronllys Well Being Park (CLT) Limited 2020
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