Page 42 - Kay Handyside - Fat to Flat Belly
P. 42
Fruit try to buy organic if it does not have a skin that you peel
Apples ( optional )
Blueberries, black berries, strawberries, raspberries , blackcurrants etc Cinnamon
Hot curry powder - sprinkle on everything !
Organic lentils
Organic chickpeas / garbanzos
Any dry pulses to soak for soups , put in stews or sprout )
Organic eggs soft poach or boil for meals or use for frittata, bakes and omelettes Plain organic yogurt
Plain keffir ( both good for optimising gut bacteria
Excellent extra virgin olive oil Coconut oil
Kerrigold butter
Sea salt grains unprocessed
Nori sheets ( for wraps )
Any un-roasted unsalted nuts and seeds Chia seeds
Psyllium ground
Coconut milk
Parmesan cheese or any organic cheese