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Figure 13:3 Predicted levels of visual impairment, Pembrokeshire
2015 2030
People aged 18-64 predicted to have a severe visual impairment 45 43
People aged 65-74 predicted to have a moderate 917 948 or severe visual impairment
People aged 75 and over predicted to have a moderate 1,692 2,551 or severe visual impairment
People aged 75 and over predicted to have registerable eye conditions
Source: Daffodil Cymru
866 1,306
The following table provides the latest figures on the numbers of people registered as partially sighted or blind in each county.
Figure 13:4 Numbers of people registered as partially sighted or blind
Carmarthenshire Ceredigion Pembrokeshire
Numbers of people registered as partially sighted 1,029 365 663 or blind (2013/14)
Source: Stats Wales
Other statistics (RNIB, 2016) relating to sight loss include:
• Nearlytwo-thirdsofpeoplelivingwithsightlossarewomen
• Adults with learning disabilities are 10 times more likely to be blind or partially
sighted than the general population
• Peoplefromnon-whiteethnicgroupsareatahigherriskofcertainsightconditions
NHS Wales spends around £113 million (Welsh Assembly Government, 2011) on eye health including costs associated with inpatient treatments and outpatient attendances, and also the cost of NHS funded eye tests and yet over 50 per cent of sight loss can be avoided (Public Health Wales, 2013). In published NHS programme budgets Hywel Dda Health Board combined spend on problems of vision is £15.6 million (2.2% of the overall budget). Indirect costs of sight loss are significant and include the provision of unpaid care by family and friends, lower employment, absenteeism and the cost of specialist equipment and modifications.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Sensory impairment

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