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large areas of rurality and high levels of migration of older people to certain areas.
(Wales On-line, 2012)
• In2013-14anestimated£91millionwasspentinWestWalesonservicesspecifically
for older people including Tier 1 – Community, Universal and Prevention Services, Tier 2 - Early Intervention and eablement and Tier 3 - Specialist and Long Term Services. Across the UK public expenditure related to older people is expected to rise from 20.1% of GDP in 2007-08 to 26.7% in 2057. (Mid and West Wales Health and Social Care Collaborative, 2015) The Office for Budget Responsibility (2011) has noted that ‘public finances are likely to come under pressure, primarily as a result of an ageing population.’
Gaps and areas for improvement in relation to older people are listed on pages 143 - 144 of the main report.
Sensory Impairment
• Sensory impairment can be a significant life limiting condition and its incidence increases with age. This means the challenges associated with the condition are likely to grow over coming decades
• Theconditionincludessightloss,hearingloss,anddualsensoryloss(deafblind).
• Acceleratingfactorsinrelationtosightlossincludediabetesandobesity
• People with sensory impairment have a range of care and support needs. Early
identification is vital, as is prevention, support to reduce loneliness, isolation and promote mental health and wellbeing and measures to support access to employment
• Effective care and support is likely to reduce other risks associated with age and frailty, such as falls
• ArangeofservicesareavailableacrossWestWales.Theseprovideafoundationfor improvement in the future
• Improvements need to focus on further development of generic and specialist services and improving access to other services for people with a sensory impairment. This will require collaborative approaches to ensure consistency and that common challenges are addressed
Gaps and areas for improvement in relation to sensory impairment are listed on pages 160 – 162 of the main report.
Substance Misuse
• Thecareandsupportneedsofthoseaffectedbyalcoholanddrugmisusehavebeen considered. The effects of these are far reaching; impacting on children, young people, adults, whole families and communities. Partnership work to address this agenda is taken forward through the Dyfed Area Planning Board for Substance Misuse who are developing their own comprehensive needs assessment to inform their new strategy and action plan.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Executive Summary

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