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2.1 Structure of the report
This report provides a high level summary of the population assessment undertaken for the West Wales region between June and November 2016. It sets out key findings from this intensive piece of regional work.
Whilst illustrating variations and differing challenges in different parts of the region, the report focuses intentionally on shared opportunities and areas for improvement, where it is felt most benefit will be gained in developing collaborative approaches through the forthcoming Area Plan. As well as the Area Plan, the report will also be available to inform future commissioning strategies and other similar activity across the region.
The report is structured around the following chapters:
Chapter 1: Executive summary
Chapter 2: Introduction
sets out the background to and purpose of the assessment; our approach to undertaking the assessment, and examples of high level strategies and plans that have informed or will be informed by the assessment.
Chapter 3: Consultation and engagement
describes our approach to consultation and engagement for the population assessment, areas for further development, and an overview of the feedback from consultation and engagement.
Chapter 4: Cross cutting themes
discusses a number of these that emerged during the assessment that are common to most or all of the thematic reports including delivering services in the medium of Welsh and key challenges, for example, finances and resources and recruitment and retention.
Chapter 5: Recommendations
set out against the core principles of the Social Services and Wellbeing Act (2014) (SSWB Act).
Chapter 6: Demographics and trends
describes the population of West Wales including age and sex profile, life expectancy, all-cause mortality rates and areas of deprivation.
Chapters 7-15: Thematic reports
for each of the Core Themes at the heart of the population assessment, namely:
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Introduction