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Cooperation, partnership and integration
9. Create an environment which permits radical change and encourages innovation rather than trying to do more of the same with less.
10. Use the population assessment as the basis for the development of integrated commissioning across service areas, based on a common understanding of need.
11. Develop consistent delivery models across service areas and the region, based on a shared strategic vision and the principles within the Act; ensuring common standards to all residents in West Wales.
12. Use this population assessment as a basis for detailed modelling of future scenarios to understand the interdependencies and impact on care and support services of, for example, demographic increases in the older population, and expected increases in known carers and victims of violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual abuse. There is a need to understand how future conditions in the area might impact on social services provision and the extent and diversity of needs for social services over the next 10 -25 years.
13. Pool funds and other resources where appropriate to optimise their impact and support seamless delivery.
14. Engage strategically with providers across all sectors to develop services and build sustainable markets for the future.
15. Work with partners across the public sector and others to embed a preventative approach, promote wellbeing, optimise resources and address specific challenges such as accessibility of services in a predominantly rural area.
The process of undertaking this assessment has brought professionals from across the region together to consider objectives, contemplate solutions and agree on where change is most needed. This in itself provides another firm foundation across partner organisations for the RPB in discharging its primary duty – to drive the strategic change that is still needed through cooperation, partnership and integration. This will go long way in ensuring that care and support in West Wales supports the wellbeing and promotes the independence of those in need within our communities.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Recommendations