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Figure 6:7 Observed percentage of adults who reported key health-related lifestyles, by LA, Health Board and Wales, 2013/14
Daily alcohol consumption
Consumption of fruit & veg Exercise or physical activity
Body mass index
*Bases vary, those shown are for the whole sample
Above guidelines
Meets guidelines
Active on 5 or more days per week 0 Active days
Overweight or obese
*Unweighted base
21 19 18 41 39 42 25 22 26 32 37 39 30 33 35 34 31 27 58 58 52 22 22 17
29,177 3,703 1,295
18 19 35 39 18 24 38 35 32 33 34 31 59 60 23 24 1,122 1,266
Source: Hywel Dda University Health Board
6.4. Further information
More information on the West Wales population is available in the Public Health Needs Assessment Report (Hywel Dda University Health Board, 2016). This document provides further details on the demographic profile, prevalence and incidence of various chronic conditions, lifestyle risk factors and some of the wider determinants that impact upon health. There is also reference to the local Single Integrated Plans for Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire.
Further reference is made to lifestyle and environmental factors where appropriate in each of the thematic reports that follow.
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017
West Wales population profile
Hywel Dda UHB
Ceredigion Pembrokeshire

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