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8.1. Overview and key messages
• Childrenandyoungpeoplemakeupapproximately22.2%ofthepopulationinthe West Wales region. The number of young people is expected to stay relatively stable over the next 15 years
• TheregionhasalowernumberoflookedAfterChildren(LAC)thanthenationalaverage
• Careandsupportneedsspanawiderangefromuniversal,throughearlyintervention,
multiple needs and remedial intervention
• Partneragencieshaveadoptedabroadlyconsistentcontinuumofcareandsupport
for children and families with a focus on prevention
• Areas for improvement include further development of preventative and early
intervention services, building on established programmes such as Family Information Services, Families First and Team Around the Family; refocusing man aged care and support to promote independence and wellbeing; improving multi-agency working and improved collaboration across the region to bring services to a consistent level and standard
• Collaborativeactionshouldalsobeconsideredtoaddressstrategicchallengessuch as reducing budgets, workforce development and the establishment of user-led preventative services
8.2. Demographics and trends
In 2015 there were 85,170 children and young people (aged between 0 and 19) in the West Wales region, of which 41,920 reside in Carmarthenshire, 15,890 in Ceredigion and 27,360 in Pembrokeshire. Across the region this represents 22.2% of the total population.
Projections suggest these figures will remain relatively stable at regional level between now and 2030, the estimated number of children and young people standing at 84,430. Slight increases are predicted in Carmarthenshire (projection of 43,220) and Ceredigion (17,210) to 43,220 with a slight drop to 26,230 predicted in Pembrokeshire (Daffodil Cymru).
LA data indicates that there are currently 144 children and young people with a disability (including Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD) in Carmarthenshire, with corresponding figures for Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire standing at 184 and 136, respectively. Available figures for children with ASD and disability project a relatively stable incidence of these conditions over the period to 2030.
A study undertaken across the region in 2015-16 indicated that the number of children and young people identified with complex needs stood at 64 (16 in Carmarthenshire, 21 in Ceredigion and 27 in Pembrokeshire). 23 children and young people were identified as having complex needs by Hywel Dda University Health Board (People and Work Unit, 2016).
West Wales Population Assessment March 2017 Children and young people