Page 113 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan 2019
P. 113
Annex 3 – Employer Engagement Strategy
(last year’s respondents)
(New cohort)
Cluster Group Meetings
Employers who have already engaged with the RLSP through completing last year’s survey, attending industry cluster groups
or attended RLSP events.
Employers in the region who have not yet engaged with the RLSP
The RLSP continues to facilitate the nine industry cluster groups which play a pivotal role in the identification of industry priorities.
Each group has an elected chair who sits on the RLSP Board.
The groups are made up of a wide range of employers from across
the region including sector, business size and location.
The key sectors are represented on the RLSP Board by the industry cluster chairs who liaise with their cluster members ensuring that views are representative of the group.
The partnership’s stakeholders to communicate to employers and local businesses on their networks.
RLSP will engage with all of the training providers to share the views of the private sector on skills needs.
400 new businesses
Widen and strengthen links with employers who are already engaged and enhance the RLSP’s reputation.
Increase the number of employers involved in the development of the Skills Plan.
Continue to work with industry chairs and group members to gather LMI and share other findings from the employer survey. Also encourage members to be pro-active
in promoting the activities of the RLSP.
Involve board members in the strategy and to help increase the number of employers engaged in the process.
Working with partners such as the FEIs, HEIs, FSB, NTfW, Business networks to share the employer survey and reach a wider audience.
Work with each sector
to ensure that the recommendations can be delivered throughout the region
Employers the RLSP have not yet engaged with, the completion of 400 telephone surveys will be commissioned to an external company.
Survey live
February 2019 – June 2019
Survey live
February 2019 – June 2019
Three meetings a year will take place:
• W/C 15th January • W/C 19th March • W/C 20th May
RLSP Board meetings will take place bi-monthly
Quarterly meeting
March 2019
RLSP Board Meetings and Industry Chairs
Training Providers
Telephone survey
Regional Employment & Skills Plan South West & Mid Wales Annex 3 – Employer Engagement Strategy