Page 53 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan 2019
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When asked to define these skills challenges the majority indicated that ‘specialist skills or knowledge to per- form the role’ (50%), ‘communication’ skills’ (29%) and ‘computer literacy/basic IT’ skills (26%) were in need.
Closer inference of the data shows that 83% of the large businesses surveyed are experiencing skills challenges. The majority of these skills challenges are in ‘Process, plant and machine operatives’ and are defined as ‘specialist skills or knowledge needed to perform the role’, ‘problem solving’ and ‘computer literacy/basic IT skills’.
An analysis56 of the top hard and soft skills required by employers within the sector recruiting between January 2018 -2019 corroborate these findings;
Top Hard Skills
Retailing Customer Service Management Merchandising Communications Retail Sales Training
Information Technology
Top Soft Skills
Listening Learning Literacy Leading Leadership Ethics Tenacity Cleanliness
Discussion in the cluster group indicated that digital skills are lacking amongst many working in both the food manufacturing and agricultural sector. This is an area that needs to be considered in provision to ensure that learners are equipped with the skills that are needed presently and will be needed in the future as a result of diversification and innovation.
In addition, anecdotal evidence provided by the cluster group indicates that there needs to be a greater emphasis on the financial elements of agriculture within provision. The suggestion is to develop book-keeping modules as part of agricultural courses already in existence. This would especially support farmers who tend to be owner/managers and have the responsibility of handling all elements of the day to day operation of their farm.
56 RLSP analysis of EMSI Job Posting Analytics
Regional Employment & Skills Plan South West & Mid Wales Sector Profiles