Page 66 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan 2019
P. 66

 On the contrary, some employers feel that Brexit could result in the increase of ‘staycations’ where the uncertainty could increase the likelihood of British people wanting to holiday in their home country rather than travel to neighbouring EU countries as has been the trend previously.
The concern of the movement of labour from the region over the border to account for a loss of the overseas workforce from some employers is a valid one. This would exacerbate recruitment challenges that these businesses already face.
To ensure that education leavers are equipped with the work readiness and basic skills to make a valid contribution to individual organisations and the sector as a whole. This can be achieved through extended work experience and basic skills becoming a priority on the curriculum.
3.8 Public Services
The public services sector is inclusive of those organisations which provide services and assistance that are essential to the way we live and work. These include the education sector, local government, emergency services and health boards.
Although employment levels within the public sector have fallen over the last ten years, there are still 108,700 individuals employed in the public sector in the region which is significantly above the national average.
Unlike other areas of the UK, Welsh public sector workers earn more than those employed in the private sector. In 2017-18 average annual earnings were £3,413 higher in the public sector, while on a UK-wide basis, average annual earnings were £2,252 greater in the private sector.
Employer Evidence - Response Profile
Neath Port Talbot
Business Size Total
Micro68 Small Medium Large53
2 2 0 1 5 01315 23059 230510 10089 10113 11125 91052246
                                                    68 Some organisations have defined themselves as micro businesses as they are smaller entities with a specific remit of their public sector lead organisation
Regional Employment & Skills Plan South West & Mid Wales Sector Profiles

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