Page 7 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan 2019
P. 7
Industry Priorities
Advanced Materials, Manufacturing and Energy
Ensure that funding is allocated based on the needs of employers, focussing on;
• industry specific training,
• increasing the number of STEM learning pathways at all levels,
• improving basic skills,
• expanding the use of apprenticeships
• promoting careers in engineering and STEM related industries.
Industry should have a greater input into all skills elements of the industry. This is inclusive of (but not limited to); curriculum and framework development and the provision of careers advice and guidance as has been indicated earlier in the sector profile through the PVA approach.
Creative Industries and ICT
A closer working relationship between the industry and providers needs to materialise to ensure that course content and delivery mechanisms meets the needs of employers. This is especially pertinent for ICT and digital provision where the fast pace of advancements needs to be reflected appropriately.
Food and Land-based
To ensure that the sector is promoted effectively to dispel the misconceptions which exist to those in primary school and above. This will alleviate some of the recruitment challenges faced by the sector. There is also a requirement to develop further education provision within the food manufacturing sector as there is currently no provision offered.
Financial & Professional Services
A closer working relationship between the industry and providers needs to materialise to ensure that course content and delivery mechanisms meet the needs of employers.
Health & Social Care
The sector needs support for staff training to ensure eligibility for registration, a targeted campaign to train the workers through a funded programme would bolster the sector and future proof to be able to meet the demand for care and support at home.
Leisure, Tourism & Retail
To ensure that education leavers are equipped with the work readiness and basic skills to make a valid contribution to individual organisations and the sector as a whole. This can be achieved this through extended work experience and basic skills becoming a priority on the curriculum.
Public Services
The public services need to have a greater say on how training is delivered and that the frameworks are fit for purpose.
Regional Employment & Skills Plan South West & Mid Wales Executive Summary