Page 77 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan 2019
P. 77
4.4 Environment
In recent years we have seen an increased focus on the global environmental challenges that are most pressing and are a threat to not only the way we live presently but also the actual existence of future generations. These global challenges include; depleting natural resources, degradation of ecosystems and biodiversity and climate change.80
There is a focus on the development of a circular economy to support the ambitions of creating a low carbon Wales. This means that the value of products, materials and resources are maintained within the economy for as long as possible and waste is minimised. In practical terms this relates to achieving changes to upstream resource and materials efficiency in conjunction with downstream waste management.
This has a skills implication in the sense that the underpinning innovation to develop this circular economy will have a direct effect on businesses, from their day to day operation and activity to the labour force that supports them.
Future employment opportunities related to this circular economy include:
• New housebuilding methods,
• New product design and production – product design needs to take into account, greater durability,
repairability and remanufacture,
• Greater opportunities within the repair and reuse sectors,
• Opportunities within resource efficient manufacturing.
A changing climate coupled with a growing population will result in significant pressures on food production in the future.
‘...... the future challenges to our global food production system including a changing climate, growing UK and global populations, dietary changes and scarcity of resources such as land and water. Given its climate and rainfall, Wales is predicted to be an area of favoured production in the future, Welsh farmers will inevitably have a key role to play - indeed a responsibility - in feeding the people of Wales and contributing to global food security now and in the future.’81
Innovation within the sector and the diversification of farms to meet the needs of the future will undoubtedly create skills challenges. NFU Cymru suggest that there is a need to ensure that farming businesses are given access to the latest research and development and skills and knowledge needed to capitalise on opportunities. Example of key themes which should be focussed on include:
• Climate Change mitigation measures,
• Environmental management, protection and enhancement,
• Animal Health and Welfare,
• Grassland Management and Utilisation,
• Crop Agronomy and Plant Health,
• Soil and nutrient management,
• Farm business support / Financial performance,
• Risk management measures,
• Health and Safety,
• Developing new markets and adding value to primary produce.82
Regional Employment & Skills Plan South West & Mid Wales Aspirational Projects and Key Developments