Page 87 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan 2019
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 Skills and Talent Intervention97
All City Deal projects will be underpinned by a Skills and Talent Initiative led by the RLSP. The aim of the project is to give local young people a pathway in schools and colleges to access the 10,000 high-quality jobs creation proposed over the next 15 years through the various Swansea Bay City Deal Projects.
The exploratory work has been undertaken with the project leads to understand the skills requirements of each of the projects and this has been done in parallel with work with schools and colleges to identify opportunities where funding would help deliver key skills gaps to meet the changing skills requirements of the projects for the future. Engagement with businesses has resulted in the identification of some areas where specific skills training (not currently available) could be developed through the project that could then be incorporated within the normal curriculum of FE and HE courses.
These include;
• New construction methods modular housing,
• Digital and IT skills not currently delivered to meet the changing needs of businesses including
Augmented reality,
• Engineering skills,
• Marine technologies.
Mid Wales Region
Growing Mid Wales98
Established in 2015, Growing Mid Wales is a regional partnership and engagement arrangement between the private and public sectors; including Ceredigion and Powys and Welsh Government. The vision of the partnership is “to progress jobs, growth and the wider economy within the mid Wales region.99”
The projects mentioned below are projects which are currently in discussion, some which are being implemented and others which have recently been completed. These projects are expected to have a major economic impact on the local economy of mid Wales; Ceredigion and Powys, in terms of jobs creation and the demand for new skills.
The award-winning BEACON Bio-refining Centre of Excellence is a project led by Aberystwyth University in partnership with Swansea University, Bangor University, Swansea Universities and the University of South Wales and is backed with just over £12.2 million from the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government. This initiative works in the field of converting biomass and biowastes into biobased products with commercial applications. BEACON offers businesses and organisations with interests in the biorefining sector access to the research, expertise and knowledge base of universities in Wales in areas as diverse as: Agrochemicals, Biofuels, Bioplastics, Coatings and Adhesives, Cosmetics and Personal Care, Essential Oils, Lubricants, Nutraceuticals, Packaging, Pharmaceuticals, Speciality Polymers, Surfactants, Water and Effluent Treatment.
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 Regional Employment & Skills Plan South West & Mid Wales
Learner and Provider Consultation Analysis

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