Page 35 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan 2018
P. 35

Skills Challenges
The existence of skills gaps is an issue for the Mid Wales region, RLSP evidence indicates that 46% of businesses surveyed face skills challenges. To quantify this further;
• 19% indicated that computer literacy and basic IT skills were a gap with the remaining 7% stating that advanced or specialist IT skills were a gap for them.
• 18% stated that they were experiencing skills gaps directly related to numeracy
• Literacy was an issue for 60% with gaps including; reading and understanding instructions (19%),
problem solving (28%) and writing instructions, guidelines, manuals or reports (13%).
47% indicated that they experience difficulty in recruiting for specific roles, with the most in demand including;
CAD technicians, chefs/catering roles, LGV/HGV drivers, Engineers i.e. software, mechanical, design, IT roles, nurses, plumbers and electricians.
When asked about the future concerns for businesses varied, however common areas reported include, issues with recruitment and retention, Brexit, funding for training, growing and remaining profitable, succession planning and sourcing skilled and qualified staff.
Barriers to Training
46% of employers surveyed indicated that they experience barriers to training. Barriers reported include the fact that training is expensive, can’t spare staff time and a lack of appropriate training. In addition, 66% of employers surveyed stated that they do not employ apprentices, 25% of this number indicated that a lack of appropriate frameworks were a contributing factor.
To ensure that interventions developed and recommendations made by the RLSP are aligned to the future needs of the Mid Wales region. This will be informed by the Economic Development Plan and the Growing Mid Wales Growth Deal.
Regional Employment & Skills Plan South West & Mid Wales Sector Profiles

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