Page 5 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan 2018
P. 5

Executive Summary
This Employment and Skills Plan has been developed with the aim of informing and supporting the Welsh Government’s strategic approach to the delivery of employment and skills provision.
Developed by the Regional Learning and Skills Partnership for South West & Mid Wales this plan places itself at the centre of Welsh Government’s skills policy, working to support the delivery of a post-16 learning environment which is fit for purpose.
Whilst the plan makes recommendations specific to Welsh Government’s aforementioned skills policy it is of paramount importance to the RLSP that other important areas of the economy and learning landscape are considered. These include (but are not limited to); secondary schools, careers advice and guidance, shared apprenticeship schemes and basic skills. These are reflected through the five aspirational objectives which will form the driving force behind the RLSP’s activities over the next three years.
The RLSP has undertaken extensive employer engagement to inform the demand element of this plan. Over 510 businesses from across the region have engaged with the process through surveys, interviews, cluster group attendance or networking.
The aforementioned cluster groups have and will continue to play a pivotal role in the identification of industry priorities for the region, with plans put in place to address these priorities through effective partnership working with the RLSP and other key stakeholders.
Aspirational Objectives
The partnership has identified a number of aspirational objectives that serve as a long term vision for the region. These aspirational objectives will be addressed through the activities of the partnership and its wider partners and will be reviewed and measured on an annual basis.
1. To create a post-16 learning environment that meets the needs of industry and learners whilst supporting providers to deliver the changes necessary.
2. To enhance the development and delivery of Apprenticeship opportunities across the region to ensure that every person has an opportunity to gain new skills or re-skill regardless of their personal circumstances.
3. To increase the parity of esteem between different learning routes and ensuring that learners are given access to advice and guidance that is representative to this end.
4. To be responsive as a region to changing circumstances in terms of skills needs to ensure that those living, working and operating within the region are able to fully capitalise on all opportunities.
5. To explore and when appropriate fully utilise all available delivery options for teaching and learning; including shared apprenticeship schemes, centres of excellence, modular learning and e-learning.
Regional Employment & Skills Plan South West & Mid Wales Executive Summary

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